Recursos Electrónicos

Libros electrónicos comprados por la UBA

Diseño del libro : construcción de la página. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nobuko.Trémoli, R.
Beautiful ChinaUnali, Lina
Coastal Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerabilities : A Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate AsVirginia Burkett; Margaret Davidson
The Mysterious Death of Tom Thomson : A Wordless Narrative Told in One Hundred and Nine Woodblock EnWalker, George A.
Diccionario manual ilustrado de arquitecturaWare, Dora; Beatty, Betty
Design for flooding: Architecture, landscape, and urban design for resilience to climate change. Hob N.J: Wiley.,Watson, D., & Adams, M.
Farmland Preservation : Land for Future GenerationsWayne J. Caldwell; Stew Hilts; Bronwynne Wilton
Data Visualization for Design Thinking : Applied MappingWinifred E. Newman
Principios del diseño en color. Barcelona : Editorial Gustavo Gili.Wong, W., Rosell i Miralles, E., & Olcina i Aya, E.
Fundamentos de diseñoWong, Wucius; Rosell i Miralles, Eugeni; Alsina Thevenet, Homero
Practices of Abstract Art : Between Anarchism and AppropriationWünsche, Isabel; Gronemeyer, Wiebke
British Interior House Styles : An Easy Reference GuideYorke, Trevor
The English Country House ExplainedYorke, Trevor
Tracing the History of HousesYorke, Trevor
*Vidas construidas : biografías de arquitectos. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.Zabalbeascoa, A., & Rodríguez Marcos, J.
Centro de Documentación
Biblioteca    FADU  -  UBA
